Cat Lady Dilemma: Do You Move The Cat?

The orange tabby cat looked up at the cat lady from a pile of blankets on the couch.

The cat lady made eye contact with the cat, admiring his goldish orange eyes. Of course, being a modern cat lady, she captured his cute face with camera on her mobile phone.

The cat continued to watch the lady, wondering if she would pet him or try to share the couch with him. The cat was super cozy and warm and wanted to return to his nap.

“Why is the cat lady staring at me in the afternoon,” the cat wondered. “Is she going to move me so she can have “her” spot on the couch?” thought the cat.

The cat lady admired the cat, wondering what he was thinking. She wanted to sit on the couch to read a book, but the cat was there first.

The cat could sleep elsewhere or perhaps the cat would want to cuddle with me. She wished that she could read his mind. The cat lady loved to cuddle with a cat.

But the cat was used to sleeping alone in the afternoons. So, perhaps, the cat would not appreciate being asked to share the couch. He was used to sleeping alone or with another cat at this time of day.

The cat lady decided to let the cat have the couch. She didn’t move him this time or try to pet him. The cat was relieved when the cat lady walked away. He quickly dozed off.

About This Cat Story

The photo is of my cat Elwood, or it could possible be Jake. They are twins, so it’s hard to tell them apart in a picture sometimes.

We have one couch that we share with the cats. If they are their first, I usually don’t ask them to move. I’ve been known to sit on the very edge of the couch, so the cats can continue to lay on the couch without having to move.

However, my husband makes a little clicking sound and the cats know to move so that he can have “his” spot on the couch.

Cats like routines. The cats may be happier if they are held or asked to be lap cats at the same time each day.

About The Cat Story Series

I want to be a better writer. Like becoming better at anything, it takes practice. I am posting a short cat stories based on a photo, a writing prompt, a true story, or something I make up.

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Heidi Bender is the writer and founder of the Joy of Cats. She enjoys sharing cat information and providing helpful cat tips. She considers herself a cat lady and currently cares for eight cats.

2 thoughts on “Cat Lady Dilemma: Do You Move The Cat?”

  1. I have a rule NEVER to move the cat unless he’s on my lap and I absolutely must get up. We have a soft cat blanket Elvis relaxes on, so when I need to get up, I just slide my arms under the blanket and move him to the spot beside me in the office.


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