The Best Cat Window Seat Perch For My Cats

When we added three cats to our home at the same time, the vet suggested adding more things for cats to sit on. A cat window seat is one way to give your cat more vertical space.

Today, we are still using the original cat window perch that we ordered in 2014. Since then, we’ve added two more of the same model. We also added many cat towers.

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The K&H Deluxe Kitty Sill has been the best window perch for my cats. We like it so much that we haven’t tried other models.

So, it’s it the best compared to the many other models? I really can’t say. However, I can tell you why we like this cat window seat.

As with my other cat product reviews, my cats or I have used the product. The pictures in this post are of my cats using the window seat.

Four Pictures of Cats in the Window Seat Perch

This cat window seat is very sturdy when screwed to the window sill.

There are two options for mounting the Kitty Sill to the window sill. There are adhesive strips and screws. You can watch installation instructions here.

We own our home and have wooden window sills that are 2 inches, so we chose the screw option.

The weight limit for the perch is 40 lbs. We’ve had three cats sleeping in the perch at the same time.

Their combined weight is around 45 lbs, and the perch showed no signs of failure.

Three cats in a window seat

The cat window seat gives the cats an option for sunshine.

The window perch allows the cats to sit in the sunshine right next to the window.

Also, we have placed the window seats on windows facing three different directions. So, as the sun moves across the house throughout the day, they can change to the window seat where the sun is currently shining.

Not every cat seems to use a window seat every day. But we have plenty of other cat towers, cat beds, and DIY cat shelves, and sometimes they prefer the couch.

This window seat is easy to clean!

The cover of the window seat is easy to remove. And the padded bolster piece zips off. Both parts can be placed into the washer for washing.

We’ve also put them in the dryer, and they didn’t shrink. So if it did shrink a little, we could still get the cover back on. However, since we’ve had the seats for many years, it’s hard to remember what happened the first time we washed the covers).

Also, they are easy to vacuum with a stick vacuum. Sometimes hair will get compacted between the bolster and the seat. The vacuum makes removing the hair manageable. Or you can use your fingers (like I do in this video about the cat seat).

We have had cat hair get stuck in the zipper, so make sure all hair is removed, before zipping the padded piece back onto the cover.

Of course, we’ve had a cat vomit on the window seat. Fortunately, the vomit did NOT leave a stain after we washed the cover in the washing machine.

Two Cats in Window Seat

We put the padded piece towards the room, not the window

The sales pictures show the padded piece near the window. We placed the piece on the other side to give the window seat an edge.

There is a zipper on one side of the cover. So, all we had to do was put the cover on the seat with the zipper on the side opposite the window.

I felt like having the padded bumper on the side opposite the window was safer for the cats. It gives them a lower chance of accidentally rolling off the perch.

Cat in Window Seat
Violet in the Window Seat

The padded piece can get snagged!

The fabric on the padded piece can snag. In the picture above, you can see the snag on the right-hand side.

So far, we’ve just pushed the filling back inside the little hole. However, the snags haven’t been bad enough (even after eight years) for me to feel we need to replace the entire cat seat.

But what about other cat window seats?

I don’t want to try every possible cat window seat to be able to say which model is the absolute best overall ever.

The models using suction cups to secure the seat to the window make me nervous. So, I will likely never try them. Would they really hold? Can it damage the window?

You can read through reviews of other models. Both Chewy and Amazon offer many choices.

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The K&H Kitty Sill window seat has been great for my cat family. We have three of the same model of cat seat.

You can check the price and read more reviews on Amazon and Chewy.

The cat seat window perch is sturdy (when screwed to the windowsill). The cats enjoy napping in the sunshine that comes through the window.

The cover and bumper pad are machine-washable. The fabric is also easy to vacuum with a stick vacuum or attachment on a full-size vacuum.

The seat can hold up to 40lbs, and we’ve had three cats in the seat simultaneously.

It’s been the best cat window seat for us since 2014!

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Heidi Bender is the writer and founder of the Joy of Cats. She enjoys sharing cat information and providing helpful cat tips. She considers herself a cat lady and currently cares for eight cats.

1 thought on “The Best Cat Window Seat Perch For My Cats”

  1. We have two window seats; one is screwed onto the window frame and that’s the one that gets the most use. It holds girthy males very well, and they enjoy “reading the paper” and watching the world go by from this vantage point. The other perch is not located in a place with a view, but it has gotten use in the past. They’re both old, so I’m not sure of the brands; but they give/have given a lot of cats a lot of pleasure.


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